Kim Russo (AGLCA's Director) and Michael Martin share the story of their own Great Loop adventure aboard The Perch, a Silverton 410 cockpit motor yacht. They'll talk about why they did the Loop, their cruising preferences, and details about their boat. The Great Loop is a 6,000-mile route through interconnected waterways that allow boaters to circumnavigate the eastern U.S. and part of Canada. Learn more at
Kim Russo (AGLCA's Director) and Michael Martin share the story of their own Great Loop adventure aboard The Perch, a Silverton 410 cockpit motor yacht. They'll talk about why they did the Loop, their cruising preferences, and details about their boat.
The Great Loop is a 6,000-mile route through interconnected waterways that allow boaters to circumnavigate the eastern U.S. and part of Canada. Learn more at