Great Loop Radio Podcast

Looping in Segments

Episode Summary

Looping in segments has become more popular in recent years as Loopers look to do the Great Loop in a way that works for them. But how do you decide how long each of your segments should be? How do you find a place to leave your boat while returning home between segments? What do you do to prepare your boat before you leave for a period of time? This week's episode of the Great Loop Radio podcast answers these questions and more. Join us as new Gold Loopers, Dick & Louise aboard Nine Lives, share the details of how they Looped in segments over multiple years.

Episode Notes

America's Great Loop is the boating adventure of a lifetime! Loopers cruise the 6,000-mile Great Loop route aboard their own boats completing a circumnavigation of the eastern U.S. and part of Canada via mostly protected inland waterways. The Great Loop route follows the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, the Chesapeake Bay, and the New York Canals northwards, goes across the Great Lakes, south on the Inland Rivers, and then east Gulf Coast to complete the Loop.