Great Loop Radio Podcast

What's New at AGLCA

Episode Summary

Join the Home Port Crew as we provide details on the many virtual and in-person events coming up this summer and into fall.  We'll cover our Virtual Docktails free events where AGLCA members can join Zoom breakout rooms to discuss specific topics, our "Must Have Apps for the Great Loop" webinar series that is free for members, our upcoming "Looper Lifestyle" seminar coming to Milwaukee, and our ever-popular Fall Rendezvous.  Find more information on all these events at and select Events from the menu. We'll also cover AGLCA's new app and our members only Facebook group.   America's Great Loop is the boating adventure of a lifetime! Loopers cruise the 6,000-mile Great Loop route aboard their own boats completing a circumnavigation of the eastern U.S. and part of Canada via mostly protected inland waterways. The Great Loop route follows the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, the Chesapeake Bay, and the New York Canals northwards, goes across the Great Lakes, south on the Inland Rivers, and then east Gulf Coast to complete the Loop.

Episode Notes

Join the Home Port Crew as we provide details on the many virtual and in-person events coming up this summer and into fall.  We'll cover our Virtual Docktails free events where AGLCA members can join Zoom breakout rooms to discuss specific topics, our "Must Have Apps for the Great Loop" webinar series that is free for members, our upcoming "Looper Lifestyle" seminar coming to Milwaukee, and our ever-popular Fall Rendezvous.  Find more information on all these events at and select Events from the menu. We'll also cover AGLCA's new app and our members only Facebook group.  

America's Great Loop is the boating adventure of a lifetime! Loopers cruise the 6,000-mile Great Loop route aboard their own boats completing a circumnavigation of the eastern U.S. and part of Canada via mostly protected inland waterways. The Great Loop route follows the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway, the Chesapeake Bay, and the New York Canals northwards, goes across the Great Lakes, south on the Inland Rivers, and then east Gulf Coast to complete the Loop.